By agreement of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme, at the time of pre-enrolment, candidates must include a document signed by the supervisor of their thesis, in which he/she guarantees his/her availability for that direction (access to the document). The supervisor must be a PhD with accredited research experience. To justify this requirement must also be provided, if applicable, the document of supervision with recognized six-year research periods (access to the document) or without recognized six-year research periods (access to the document).
Be in possession of a legal qualification (either a bachelor's, bachelor's or master's degree). Preference will be given to students who can prove that they have completed a degree or bachelor's degree in law and a master's degree with a legal content.
Foreign students whose native language is not Spanish must accredit a B2 level of Spanish.
- General: To be in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems without the need for its homologation, after verification by the University of Valladolid that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish Master's Degree and that it entitles the holder to access PhD studies in the country issuing the degree. This admission will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral studies.
- Specific to the Doctorate in Law: to possess legal studies (whether equivalent to a bachelor's degree, a bachelor's degree or a master's degree).
Foreign students whose native language is not Spanish must accredit a B2 level of Spanish.
A variety of qualitative admission methods will be adopted for access:
a) For students coming directly from previous studies, the admission criterion will be based exclusively on the academic record.
a. Academic record of the degree or equivalent: up to 70 points (if the degree or equivalent is not in Law, only the points corresponding to the legal credits, valued on the total number of credits of the degree, may be obtained).
b. Master's degree academic record: up to 30 points (if the master's degree is not in law, only the points corresponding to the legal credits, evaluated on the total number of credits of the master's degree, can be obtained).
b) In the case of students who have carried out or are carrying out paid work, the academic record and the work carried out will be assessed. The Commission will take into account the manner of access to the post held (competitive examination, selection or own decision) and the merits of the post (quality and intensity of the work). Thus, the criteria and their percentage weight will be as follows:
a. Academic record of the degree or equivalent: 40 points (with a percentage reduction, depending on the number of legal credits out of the total number of credits of the degree if this is not a law degree).
b. Academic record of the master's degree: 20% (with a percentage reduction, depending on the legal credits over the total credits of the master's degree if it is not a law degree).
c. System of access to the work: 10% (priority will be given to competitive bidding).
d. Time worked: 10%.
e. Other work merits: 20%.